Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

We offer end to end solutions
for Datacenter that are compliant
with the standards of the IT industry

When it comes to Datacenter solutions, We at Alhaneen believe that every organization needs a robust solution . We can provide you with the technological support and flexibility you need to maximize your business efficiency, minimisks risks, lower TCO, agility, availability and seamlessly transfrom to a modern optimized Datacenter.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery solutions offer end-to-end methods for protecting against disaster and ensuring that the organization continues to function. Business continuity is becoming more important than ever, whether in the fight against Ransomware or the reliance every organisation has on IT. Interruptions are less and less tolerated, with the impact both financial and client affecting. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery ( DR) is essential to businesses of every size. Required as a part of compliance, and plain common sense, every business should have a multi layered policy. Our experts guide you through the numerous options to form a cohesive policy.

Datacenter Back-up

In the modern business world, data is everything . However, most of this data is stored electronically , making it valnerable to loss.
There are many causes of data loss , from technical failures and malware attacks to natural disasters and simple human error. Data loss can be a real disaster as not only do you lose the information that's stored on your computer , but you also lose all the time and money that you invested in creating it.
We can offer you a Data Back up solutions specific to your needs that fits your business and budget.

Datacenter Network

Data Center Network (DCN) is essentially the heart of any data center. It acts as the link between all the components of the data center resources. Data Center Networks besides the need to be efficient also need to be scalable and agile to connect hundreds of servers to handle the growing demands of computing. We have the expertise and capabilities to design and implement the Data Center Network.

// Alhaneen Technologies


Alhaneen Technologies, we are passionate about helping businesses succeed by providing top-quality customized IT solutions that meet their specific needs. We understand that every business is unique, and that’s why we take a personalized approach to every project we undertake.